May 18, 2018
Elder Care in Folsom CA: Helping Children Understand Your Senior's Brain Injury

Tips for Helping Your Children Understand Your Parent’s Brain Injury

Elder Care in Folsom CA: Being a family caregiver for an elderly adult can be very challenging, particularly when you are also caring for your children. Referred to as the sandwich generation, this is the reality for a large percentage of the middle-aged adults of the United States.
May 4, 2018
Homecare in Elk Grove CA: More Help Sources For Seniors

Do You Have More Help than You Think?

Homecare in Elk Grove CA: Being a caregiver is not an easy task. You often need far more help than you realize and it's difficult to know where to turn.
April 20, 2018

How Can Occupational Therapy Benefit Seniors?

Home Care Services in Carmichael CA: April is National Occupational Therapy Month, which means that there’s no better time to examine how occupational therapy can add enormous benefit to the lives of seniors of all abilities.
April 5, 2018
Elder Care in Sacramento CA: Emergency Bag for Senior

What Should You Keep in an Emergency Bag for Seniors?

Elder Care in Sacramento CA: If your senior needs to leave the house in a hurry an emergency bag can help to ensure that she's got everything she needs.