March 23, 2018
Senior Living Elk Grove CA: Pulmonary Embolism

What is Pulmonary Embolism?

Senior Living Elk Grove CA: Most often DVT, or deep vein thrombosis, occurs in the leg. The blood clot can cause serious lingering effects, including pain, and can reoccur many times.
March 8, 2018
Home Care in Roseville CA: Senior Touch Hunger

What is Touch Hunger in the Elderly?

Home Care in Roseville CA: As a family caregiver, you are busy with taking care of the needs of your elderly mom or dad. You do your best to make sure they are clean, dressed, fed and medicated.
February 23, 2018
Caregiver in Folsom CA: Senior Prize Scams

Four Steps to Make Sure Your Mom Doesn’t Fall for Prize Scams

Caregiver in Folsom CA: Prize scams are one of the most common scams senior citizens fall for. They get a postcard in the mail saying they've won free airfare or a cruise for two. All they have to do is call the 800 number.
February 7, 2018
Senior Care Davis CA: Senior Stress

Does Stress Put Your Mom’s Heart at Risk?

Senior Care in Davis CA: It’s really no secret that stress is bad for people. Sure, your parent might be older, so they no longer have the stress of a job or raising children.